CIPD Annual Conference 2016
I was very lucky to be asked by the CIPD to join the blogsquad again for 2016 and cover what was going on at ACE 2016. This page hosts all of my content in one place!
If you want ALL of the content from #cipdACE16, you can visit this amazing page courtesy of Ian Pettigrew, the Master Curator.
The pre-event blog
The pre-event blog:
Live blogs from the Conference
Session B1, The Digital Impact on Working Lives with Dr Nicola Millard:
Session C2, Increasing Engagement and Business Success with speakers from giffgaff:
Session D1: Psychological Influences on Decision Making with Dr Dr Chia-Jung Tsay:
Session E1: Technology and the Future of the Professions with Daniel Susskind:
Periscope interviews
I also recorded some video interviews which went out live on Periscope and I have now uploaded to YouTube for your continued enjoyment…
With Thomas Bale from Investors in People, discussing what’s new with IiP and what exciting changes are ahead for the organisation
With ACE speaker Dr Nicola Millard, discussing the content of her fascinating session on Navigating the Digital Impact on Working Lives
With Deborah from exhibitors Brathay, discussing their personal development and apprenticeship offer (and trying to win a weekend in Ambleside)
As ever, it was awesome to be part of a brilliant blogsquad and work with some truly fantastic and inspirational folk.