I was very, very fortunate to be invited for a second year to be part of the official Blogsquad for the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition 2015, to give it its Sunday name, which took place on 4 & 5 November 2015.


Here’s my pre-event blog to get you started.

Before the main Conference, the CIPD hosted an excellent Students’ Conference on 3 November and I was asked to speak about Social Media and the HR Professional.

Damiana Casile put together this excellent Storify of the day.

UntitledUnlike last year, I decided not to live blog sessions at the main Conference – you can see the content from my awesome colleagues collated into one Storify by Ian “Kingfisher Coach” Pettigrew right here. Instead, I focused on tweeting a lot and also doing something new (for me, anyway): using an app called Periscope to broadcast live chats with interesting people I met around the Conference and Exhibition. I saved the results and have uploaded them to YouTube for posterity. The links are below.

Day 1


Mike Collins from DPG interviewed me (!) about Periscope and various other things

I chatted with Alastair Swindlehurst (HR Tinker) about his first couple of sessions

I caught up with Phil Willcox about Street Wisdom – what it is and what to expect

I spoke to Inji Duducu from Benenden about why they were at the exhibition

I found out what HRinFlow do from Romana

I drafted in guest Periscoper Helen Amery to speak to Paul Harris from BrightHR

Other bits and pieces:

Here’s a brief Storify of what happened at the session I spoke at.

And here are my reflections on day 1 in “proper blog” form.  


Day 2

Videos: I spoke to Thomas Bale, Head of Marketing for IIP UK about their stand and new developments

I chatted with Ben Swain from Onfito about their background checking products

I caught up with writer Julian Stodd about the work he is doing on the Social Age

I grabbed a few minutes with CIPD Chief Executive Peter Cheese to discuss the conference and big HR issues

I spoke to Avital from Cornerstone about their products and what they have to offer HR teams

Other bits and pieces: Here’s a flickr album of the many and varied pictures I snapped over the two days (and some from the Students’ Conference):

CIPD15 & CIPD15Students


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